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The Relationship Between Asbestos And Colon Cancer

Asbestos exposure has been associated with an increased risk of developing gastrointestinal cancers, including colon cancer. Some studies suggest that ingesting asbestos fibers may be a factor in acquiring a gastrointestinal cancer. Workers who were exposed to asbestos and their families are typically at the greatest risk of developing certain types of cancer.

If you or a family member has been exposed to asbestos and diagnosed with colon cancer, you may be able to recover damages for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and related expenses. Kelley Ferraro, LLC, has provided representation to asbestos victims and their families for more than 18 years. You can rely on our lawyers’ experience with asbestos-related cancer claims.

What Is Your Prognosis Once You’re Diagnosed?

The prognosis for colon cancer patients depends on several factors, including the stage of the cancer at the time of diagnosis. When it’s caught early enough, colon cancer is often treatable. However, your medical bills and other losses will likely be significant. Even with health insurance, your out-of-pocket costs can easily deplete your finances.

If you lost a family member to asbestos-related colon or gastrointestinal cancer, we can file a wrongful death claim. Wrongful death damages can include medical bills, lost wages, compensation for funeral expenses and the personal loss of a loved one.

Our experience in this complex area of law is beneficial. Our results speak for us – we have obtained over $1 billion for our clients over the years. Learn about your legal options during a free consultation with one of our attorneys.

Send us an email or call our Cleveland, Ohio, office at 216.575.0777 to schedule a free consultation with a lawyer.

Practice Areas

$120 Million Settlement


$20 Million Verdict


$17 Million Verdict
