Cleveland dieters who may be considering taking the diet pill OxyELITE Pro may be interested in the recently reported cases of liver failure among users in Hawaii. The Hawaii Department of Health has removed OxyELITE Pro from retailers’ shelves in the state and has asked the public to stop using the supplement after it was linked to the recent string of liver failure cases. The manufacturer of the pills could be facing pharmaceutical litigation due to the alleged side effect.
Authorities say that 29 cases of liver failure and acute hepatitis had been reported in Hawaii over the six months prior to the recall, and 24 of those are being traced back to the use of the dietary supplement. The Hawaii DOH had held back from claiming any particular product was related to the health problems, but it finally acknowledged that those 24 patients reported that they had used OxyELITE Pro before their hospitalization. The state epidemiologist said that no other medication or supplement had been used by more than two of the liver patients.
Health experts were unable to say how the diet pills could have produced the adverse effects or why OxyELITE Pro, which was sold all over the United States, had seemed to cause these problems only in Hawaii. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration had warned against supplements containing DMAA early in 2013, but a statement from the manufacturer said that the version of OxyElite Pro containing DMAA had not been manufactured or distributed since then.
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Source: Huffington Post, “OxyELITE Pro Pulled From Shelves Nationwide After 29 Liver Failure Cases In Hawaii“, October 09, 2013