Your cookware could contain toxic materials

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2014 | Products Liability

Teflon cookware is widely popular in many kitchens across Ohio. While its non-stick surface has made it a convenient alternative to other types of cookware — such as stainless steel or cast iron — it is not necessarily safer than these alternatives. In fact, Teflon has been the focus of an Environmental Protection Agency investigation since the 1990s and apparently contains toxic materials.

Teflon contains an unnatural chemical known as Perfluorooctanoic Acid, also simply known by PFOA. Exposure to this chemical comes with various risks, perhaps due to the fact that it typically does not decompose easily, even in the presence of water or light. When lab animals were exposed to the chemical, they suffered various negative health effects.

Perhaps more alarming is the EPA’s classification of PFOA, which suggests that it has carcinogen-like effects. DuPont, the manufacturer of Teflon, had to pay out millions of dollars for violating the Toxic Substances Control Act. Even though Teflon cookware is used widely used, the agency is still uncertain how exposure occurs across the nation and believes that DuPont failed to adequately warn of the dangers of exposure to PFOA.

Ohio consumers place a significant amount of trust in manufacturers when bringing products into their homes, and they have the right to expect that products are safe and contain adequate warning labels to ensure the safest use possible. When those products cause injury or illness because of toxic materials, the aftermath can be devastating, both physically and financially. Often, one of the most favorable courses of action can be a product liability claim against the manufacturer or company. If successfully navigated to completion, a victim may be entitled to recourse that can compensate him or her for various related damages, including pain and suffering.

Source: FindLaw, “Teflon“, Dec. 5, 2014


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