New treatment for asbestos-related cancer shows promise

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2016 | Asbestos Exposure & Claims

A little hope for mesothelioma victims is always a good thing. The American Cancer Society reports that around 3,000 people in Ohio and across the country are diagnosed with the incurable, fatal disease every year, and treatment is generally palliative. The director of one of the country’s leading research hospitals says mesothelioma is among the deadliest cancers known. It often takes decades to develop and often begins showing symptoms only after it is too late to treat.

Typically, treatment involves chemotherapy and removal of the affected lung, the diaphragm and the lining around the heart. Even after such aggressive measures, the victim does not survive longer than 18 months. In fact, some patients, who are mostly elderly, do not survive the three months following the radical surgery.

Recently, a new lung-sparing surgery has been tried and shows promising results. The new procedure removes visible traces of cancer without removing the entire lung. On average, patients survive 35 months with some living over seven years if the cancer has not reached the lymph glands. An estimated 20 to 40 percent of mesothelioma patients may qualify for this type of surgery.

Treatment for mesothelioma is intense and expensive. Many in Ohio face this burden because of the many industries that used asbestos and the asbestos manufacturers who persisted in exposing workers to its dangers despite warnings that it was linked to cancer. Those who believe they may be eligible for compensation from these manufacturers may benefit from discussing their situation with an attorney who has experience seeking damages in these cases.

Source:, “Lung-Sparing Surgery May Up Mesothelioma Survival”, Maureen Salamon, Dec. 23, 2016


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