Former CSX employee suing after asbestos-related cancer diagnosis

On Behalf of | Jun 19, 2017 | Asbestos Exposure & Claims

Ohio has an unfortunately high incidence of asbestos-related illness due to the use of hazardous materials in manufacturing. Those in others states, however, are sadly not free from the risk either. In fact, a maintenance worker in another state is suing a railway company after, he alleges, the employer’s alleged negligence resulted in his cancer.

The lawsuit alleges that the CSX Transportation Company violated the Federal Employer’s Liability Act. When the plaintiff was employed by the defendant in the years between 1976 and 1988, he was exposed to a number of toxic substances, including asbestos. These allegedly caused him to develop prostate and bladder cancer, with which he was diagnosed in 2016.

The plaintiff alleges that the company failed to provide him and other employees with a safe place to work. Additionally, the man was never warned by his employers of the hazardous nature and possible catastrophic effects of asbestos exposure, as the company failed to conduct any type of study related to the material. The lawsuit claims that, as a result of these failures on the part of the company, the man has suffered pain and mental anguish, as well as loss of enjoyment of life, and medical expenses related to his illnesses.

The former CSX employee has requested a trial by jury. He is asking the court for in excess of $50,000 in addition to the cost of the lawsuit, as well as other relief as the court deems fit. Ohio residents who develop cancer or other illnesses related to asbestos exposure at work face not only physical pain and suffering but costly medical expenses as well. An attorney with experience in asbestos litigation can often help such individuals fight for justice and compensation.

Source:, “Former CSX employee claims railway company liable for asbestos-related cancer“, Noddy A. Fernandez, June 12, 2017


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