What life may look like after a rare, asbestos-related cancer

On Behalf of | May 17, 2019 | Asbestos Exposure & Claims

One of the first things that people diagnosed with mesothelioma hear is that this particular condition is incurable, and often terminal. Nearly everyone who contracts this rare cancer does so through exposure to asbestos. Those fortunate enough to survive through their treatment protocol never quite return to their normal lives.

Many cancer patients here in Ohio and elsewhere receive a clean bill of health and are declared “cancer free” by their doctors. However, one of the issues with mesothelioma is that it never quite goes away. Radiation, chemotherapy and other treatments may be required well after the initial course of treatment ends in an attempt to keep the cancer from returning.

Even if these additional treatments are not needed, a patient will more than likely need to make regular visits to the doctor for checkups. These appointments could consist of numerous tests such as imaging tests and blood tests to determine whether the cancer has spread or recurred. Doctors also want to check for side effects to any treatments a patient still needs now and in the future. No visit to the doctor will ever be normal again, but as long as the results are good, those visits could probably be tolerated.

Surviving through treatment for mesothelioma is definitely something to celebrate. Sadly, it does not mean the end of the need for medical visits and treatment related to this rare, aggressive cancer. Paying for past, future and current medical needs undoubtedly puts a strain on a patient and a family. It may be possible for Ohio residents in this position to pursue restitution for their current medical maladies.


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