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Cleveland Product Liability Lawyers Protecting Welders From Welding Rod Toxins

Welders and other people who work near welding rods may suffer exposure to silica, manganese and other dangerous chemicals. If you are one of these workers, you may have the right to recover compensation for your damages. At Kelley Ferraro, LLC, we are here to help you. We work with people in Cleveland and across Ohio who have illnesses from exposure to toxic chemicals like the ones released from welding rods. All told, we have recovered more than $1 billion for injury victims and their loved ones.

The Hidden Dangers Of Welding Rods

Many welding rods contain toxins that become hazardous when heated. For example, silica. Some workers who handle welding rods containing silica may contract a disease called silicosis. Exposure to silica can also cause tuberculosis, chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease and cancer.

Welding rods may also contain manganese, which can cause neurological problems. Manganese poisoning – also called manganism – has symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms can include:

  • Tremors
  • Balance issues
  • Memory loss
  • Slow movement
  • Lack of facial expressions
  • Speech disturbance
  • Psychological disturbance

These symptoms usually occur before age 50. They may appear in a variety of people who have worked with or near welding rods.

The Experience To Take On Your Case

Our product liability lawyers have filed lawsuits for hundreds of workers. In 2004, they filed a lawsuit against manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of welding rods in Cuyahoga County. These parties included the makers and suppliers of safety equipment that failed to prevent silica-related diseases.

If you have been exposed to welding rod toxins, we can help you get your own case or class action rolling. Our team will work with you to gather evidence, file your claim and pursue compensation. We are not afraid to take on major companies and insurers. We will fight to get you the justice you deserve.

Make A Free Consultation With A Cleveland Product Liability Attorney

You don’t have to face this battle alone. Kelley Ferraro, LLC, is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today at 216.575.0777 or send us an email to schedule a free consultation.

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