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What To Do If Nursing Home Abuse Is Suspected

Kelley Ferraro, LLC, is a vigorous and highly respected champion for the rights and well-being of injury victims of all ages throughout Ohio. Based in Cleveland, our team of attorneys and staff provides caring counsel and fearless representation, helping victims and their families recover compensation.

Here are three things you should know if you suspect physical abuse at your nursing home:

  1. The care facility needs to be held accountable. If you don’t get a lawyer involved and make sure the assisted living center is held responsible, the same abuse could happen to other people’s loved ones. Help put a stop to it now. At Kelley Ferraro, LLC, we will prepare a comprehensive strategy, detailing every aspect of every issue in the case. You can rely on us to be the advocate you need.
  2. We will take care of gathering the evidence. It can be difficult to pursue nursing home abuse claims in some cases because the victim may not be able to remember or communicate what happened to him or her. In these situations, our attorneys will work with the family members and with various experts to gather the necessary information.
  3. You don’t have to pay anything upfront. Our law firm will pay in advance for all expenses, costs and fees associated with bringing the legal claim. We will be reimbursed from the monetary compensation we obtain for you. This means you don’t have to worry about shouldering a financial burden in order to obtain justice.

Look For Physical Signs And Symptoms

If you see any of the following physical signs of elder abuse or negligence in an Ohio nursing home, they should be investigated immediately:

  • Wounds, cuts, abrasions, burns
  • Unexplained bruises, cuts, burns, sprains or fractures in various stages of healing
  • Sudden inexplicable weight loss
  • Falls or falling out of bed
  • Unwarranted restraints (either physical or chemical)
  • Infections or fevers
  • Bedsores (decubitus ulcers) or frozen joints
  • Malnutrition, dehydration
  • Unexplained venereal disease or genital infections, vaginal or anal bleeding, torn, stained or bloody underclothing
  • Smells of urine and/or feces
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Untreated medical conditions

Look For Mental Or Emotional Changes

Certain mental and emotional conditions can also indicate potential abuse. Be aware if your loved one:

  • Seems unusually confused or disorientated
  • Exhibits a change of behavior or mood, such as becoming strangely withdrawn
  • Becomes unusually aggressive or protective of his or her space

Look For Suspicious Employee Actions

It is also worthwhile to pay attention to how the nursing home employees interact with your loved one. Watch for:

  • Staff refusing to allow visitors to see the resident or delays in allowing visitors to see resident
  • Staff not allowing the resident to be alone with visitors or family members
  • Staff who raise their voices or verbally threaten residents (e.g., “If you don’t let me comb your hair, I’m not going to bring you any dinner!”)

Call Us To Get A Free Case Evaluation

Whether you only suspect abuse or you are certain it occurred, do not hesitate to call Kelley Ferraro, LLC, in Cleveland at 216.575.0777. You can also reach our lawyers by email. The consultation is absolutely free.

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