Couple alleges hazardous materials led to man’s skin, lung cancer

On Behalf of | Oct 2, 2017 | Products Liability

Imagine spending one’s whole life working hard at a job every day, only to eventually develop a life-threatening medical condition as a result. Sadly, that’s exactly the scenario a recent lawsuit regarding exposure to hazardous materials is alleging. While this specific incident did not occur in Ohio, residents will recognize enough similar elements to realize it easily could have.

A married couple has recently filed a lawsuit after the husband developed medical conditions they claim are a direct result of his exposure to hazardous materials. The man worked doing reclamation for a number of coal mining companies. The defendants named in the suit include Blackhawk Mining LLC, ERP Compliant Fuels LLC, Laurel Coal Corp. and others.

The lawsuit alleges that, during the man’s employment, he was exposed to coal dust and polyacrylamide flocculant. These hazardous elements, the complaint claims, caused the man to develop both chronic interstitial fibrotic lung disease and skin cancer. The plaintiffs – both the man and his wife, who complains of loss of consortium – seek to hold the defendants responsible for allegedly failing to provide a reasonably safe workspace, which supposedly resulted in his continued exposure to toxic elements and thus his eventual disease.

The couple seeks compensatory damages in addition to all courts costs and any other relief deemed just. Residents of Ohio who have similarly suffered illness or serious injury as a direct result of on-the-job exposure to hazardous materials may wish to explore their options for justice and compensation with an attorney. Such a lawyer’s legal knowledge and support could prove invaluable in fighting to secure a successful outcome with the award of much-needed monetary damages.

Source:, “Logan man alleges skin cancer, lung disease caused by exposure during reclamation jobs“, Wadi Reformado, Sept. 25, 2017


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