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Zantac Recall

Zantac linked to known carcinogen

Millions of people in Ohio and around the country who have taken the antacid Zantac and its generic equivalents will likely be alarmed to learn that the medications have been linked to a known carcinogen. The sequence of events that eventually led to the drugs being...

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Zantac and cancer risk

Many people in Ohio use the over-the-counter medication Zantac to relieve heartburn. However, research has shown a possible link to cancer, and the FDA has ordered recalls. Consumers have filed over 500 claims against the makers of Zantac saying that the makers knew...

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Zantac recall — it’s more than cancer

The popular heartburn drug Zantac has been linked to cancer, putting patients at risk for potentially fatal side effects. Cancer is not the only health concern linked to this and other proton pump inhibitors, though. A more recent study shows that people who regularly...

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Cancer link prompted Zantac recall

While it is reasonable to expect prescription medications to carry potential side effects, it is also reasonable to expect that they will not be worse than the original condition. Unfortunately, doctors may prescribe to people seeking medical care in Ohio prescription...

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